Adam Globetrotter

I am your next Strategic Business Partner. If there is a new project or business analysis that needs to be done, I am usually the person for the job. My only goal is to be strategic, mindful of the resources the task demands, pay attention to details and get the job done.


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If there's 1 thing that children love more than glucose, then it must be playing games. During the warm summer days, playing in the backyard or by the pool could be great fun, but at the chilly winter, indoor games could be just as entertaining. Luckily, today almost every single family has a computer, so having your kids entertained and...

In regards to games for children, there's a endless supply. Now you go to the grocery store and you see matches. Now you go to the thrift shop and you see games. Games for kids even come in $1.99 meals you purchase at the drive through. Why is it so tough to find instructional games that your children will want to play?...

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